Vision & Mission

Vision and Mission

  • To organise periodically, conferences and academic activities to upgrade knowledge of medical professionals & betterment in the field of HIV/AIDS nationally.
  • To organise various CME in different states for education of various Doctors for awareness.
  • To increase awareness for public by various camps and posters so they may go for voluntary testing and early management.
  • To make patient aware that once a incurable disease, has now become a chronic manageable disease.
  • To update knowledge by bringing foreign faculties who are pioneers in this field in various countries to know there experience and show all the participants the future development.
  • To emphasise on adherence as that is the key for management via various talks, phone calls, e- mails and various documentaries.
  • To educate new pass out doctors and encourage them to remove stigma and practice in their field without being worried of patient to doctor transmission by using universal precautions.
  • To encourage scientific research and experimental work in HIV field.
  • To receive donations and subscriptions from persons who are eligible and desire to join the society and to hold the funds for fulfilment of objects of society.
  • To co-operate with other medical and scientific associations.
  • To make bye-laws, rules and regulations of the society and to delete, change or add to the same as and when necessary.